Werner Schellenberg with UNHCR colleagues in Zaatari Camp, Jordan, 2012 – foto © Ru’a Al Abweh
by gerhard gross
Werner Schellenberg worked for UNHCR in Jordan from 2012 to 2014 as Shelter Sector Coordinator and Shelter Advisor / Head of Technical Unit in Amman, in charge of technical support services for Syrian refugees in urban and camp settings including, training and capacity building support provided to a team of nine National and International Engineers, Site planners and Architects. His responsibilities included needs assessment, shelter and settlement strategy planning, Master Planning for camps, Sector programme -and budget planning, Shelter design and Infrastructure planning, Liaison & coordination with Line Ministries & Implementing Partners, Contract monitoring and related certification of implemented works.
As Shelter Sector Lead, Schellenberg was responsible for coordinating the Shelter Sector input for Jordan’s Refugee Response Planning
including formulation of objectives, outputs, indicators, activities & budget requirements for a projected refugee population of 200, 000
refugees in tented camps, and for 180,000 most vulnerable refugees in host communities of urban and rural settings. In this context he also designed a prototype transitional/semi-permanent shelter.
Most important, Schellenberg developed a new Master Plan Approach for the second largest camp for Syrian Refugees in Jordan – Azraq Camp, located in the desert area near the Syrian border.
More Information on Schellenberg’s Master Plan for Azraq Refugee Camp